Can you help me make a real difference to the life of someone affected by ovarian cancer?

Three years ago we were told Laura had a rare form of cancer called Low Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer. It is slow growing & is monitored carefully by the experts in St Michaels hospital Bristol. She has the best attitude with the ‘don’t look back, look forward’ mantra.

We are raising funds for Ovacome, the national UK charity focused on providing support and information to anyone affected by this disease.

Ovacome’s specialist support team is there to help those living with ovarian cancer navigate their treatment, care and life beyond the disease through the charity’s telephone support line, email, and 24-hour forum. Ovacome also hosts online and in-person groups, workshops, and events where people affected can meet others in similar circumstances, share advice, make friends, and offer encouragement to one another in a safe environment.

Ovacome receives no government funding and so relies on its donors and fundraisers to make its life-changing work possible. Your generosity could help someone affected by ovarian cancer access the vital support and resources they need. Any amount you feel able to give could have a huge impact on the experience of someone facing a diagnosis.

Thank you so much for helping me to ensure that Ovacome can continue to be there to support those affected by ovarian cancer when they need it most. Together we can make a real difference! Rachel Stark