Help Dave to make a difference to those affected by ovarian cancer

Lesley Paris

I’m raising money for Ovacome, who support people living with ovarian cancer and their loved ones. This cause means a lot to me and I hope that you’ll consider supporting their work in any way that you can.

Rosie's Marathon for Debbie's Legacy: Support Ovacome and Ovarian Cancer Awareness

Rosie Scott

I am fundraising for Ovacome, a charity that means so much to me and my family as we lost my godmother Debbie to ovarian cancer. To honour her memory and support others affected, I am running the 2025 London Marathon to raise money. Any support you can provide would be greatly appreciated in our fight against ovarian cancer.

Janet and family are fundraising for Ovacome, the ovarian cancer charity

Janet Kerr

My amazing family has supported me over the last eight months as I underwent cancer treatment. They are now taking on a 100 mile bike ride to raise funds for Ovacome, the ovarian cancer charity. They tell me that they will do their best to hold onto the bike handlebars and not fall off, but any support for their adventure would be amazing!

In Madeleine’s Memory

Emma Lightfoot

To raise awareness of ovarian cancer and in memory of my mam, Madeleine.

Help me Natasha Harvey to make a difference to those affected by ovarian cancer

Natasha Harvey

I’m raising money for Ovacome, who support people living with ovarian cancer and their loved ones. This cause means a lot to me and I hope that you’ll consider supporting their work in any way that you can.

GNR - Grandma’s Name Remembered

Christina Cornberg

Running in memory of my lovely grandma, to raise awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer and to support the great work of Ovacome.

Help Sam Marshall to make a difference to those affected by ovarian cancer

Samuel Marshall

Running the Great North Run 2024 to raise funds for Ovacome

Help Friends of Frances to make a difference to those affected by ovarian cancer

Jonathan Thew

We are raising money for Ovacome, who support people living with ovarian cancer and their loved ones. This cause means a lot to us and I hope that you’ll consider supporting their work in any way that you can.

In memory of Martine Halliday. Raising money for ovarian cancer.

Nana and Gramps X

In memory of Martine Halliday, I am running two 10K races, the Goodwood Motorsport 10K and the Bournemouth Bay Run.

Please help Stuart make a difference to those affected by ovarian cancer

Stuart Weekes

This is for my mum and other fab women and their families tackling ovarian cancer

Help Charmaine to make a difference to those affected by ovarian cancer

Charmaine Wise

I’m raising money for Ovacome, who support people living with ovarian cancer and their loved ones. This cause means a lot to me and I hope that you’ll consider supporting their work in any way that you can. This page is set up in loving memory of our mum, sister, aunty, grandma and dearest friend and relative REEDA D@SOUZA.

Help Otti to make a difference to those affected by ovarian cancer

Ottilie Marsden

I’m running the Great North Run to raise money for Ovacome, who support people living with ovarian cancer and their loved ones. This cause means a lot to myself and my family and I hope that you’ll consider supporting their work in any way that you can.